Currently working on my first animation. Got my tablet at Xmas, and now I just need to get the time to use it! My first animation will be a simple introduction to me! Since nobody reads these posts, then no one will have any idea what my deal is! Let's see how long it takes for me to make this shit. It's gonna be hard I guess, and I dunno if I wanna do it frame by frame, or use symbols. I'm thinking frame by frame for now...
On another topic: Fuck. Field trip next week. Hydrology - standing in rivers, in winter. Yay.
Can't wait to see your first animation. Though I should probably stop procrastinating and work on mine but animation is a bitch and all I have to work with is flash 8 and a mouse. Use frame by frame animation but on anything that isn't going to have much movement or be a loop use symbols.