Simply amazing!
Starting off with the menu... easyyyyy, straightforward, nothing difficult about that!
Then it comes onto the narration, and mmmmmmm damn! The colour is vibrant and lips sync is perfect, the dude's got a nice voice too, nothing annoying. Loving the facial expression on him! It was also a good intro to the game - story forms are always nicer. It lets the player know whats going on, instead of just launching into gnomish madness without knowing why you are doing it! Although you still have the option to skip it.
The backgrounds are brilliant! Far objects more blurred and closer objects in better focus, but not so that it's distracting. Use of shadow is really good. In the king's castle floor (most of you may not have noticed this) the reflection on the kings marble floor is pretty cool. Just another little detail that has been put into making this game awesome!
Everything's very colourful and lends itself to the overall feeling of the game. I should also just add that, throughout the entire game, all artwork is absolutely brilliant, and everything goes to show hard work and dedication - no short cuts or half-assed work.
The Map-screen was a good little addition. Nice oldy feel to it.
The in-game tutorial is just perfect, and of course, if you've already done 'Gnomergeddon', then you already know how to play! But even if not, the controls are simple and you'll be playing like a pro in minutes. Or you can customise your own! Excellent!
Game-play was enjoyable. Nothing much to fault there. Only one thing! A very very small thing (but it pissed me off to no end!) I kept walking into those thorny bushes and they somehow have the magic ability to throw you back a couple of feet! Why?? I'll bet if I tried that outside right now with any bush, it couldn't throw me! I totally hated those weird furry running two-legged animal thingies too! Urgh! But that's not a game criticism! Otherwise, the obstacles were cool, sometime very challenging (spinning blades for example...urgh!).
Thank God for little bushes that help you heal, huh? ;D
The sound effects are very good, and varied. There's many different sound effects and that also makes a game more enjoyable. Sound effects make the player more involved with the game, making it seem much more realistic as you get caught up in the game.
The music is really good too, and its not repetitive, and it changes throughout the game to suit the surroundings! And there is the option to turn down music/SFX or mute them altogether.
Lots of variety in enemies and weapons, and things they would shout at you and vice versa... I like the different weapon properties. Oh, and the sling-shot was a great idea, along with the gun (was it a blunderbuss?), and came in pretty handy sometimes! I used it often in the 'David versus Goliath' situations! Bosses were cool, took a while to get past freaky gnome! He was harder than the king! Until I realised I could pick up the fruit! Ha! Anyways, couldn't find all the secret swords. Only two! :(
I like the cheats too. Although I had a little problem at first when playing with cheats... right at the start I went to break open the crate, but he didn't mention the Doom Gem or w/e it was so I couldn't go any further. I just re-opened the page and it worked though!
Almost couldn't fit this review in! But I've made the effort to write it, because you made the effort for this! This game is quite possibly the best so far on Newgrounds! Thanks for putting in all that hard work to make this brilliant masterpiece, and giving us something to enjoy! And I totally love the series so far. Really looking forward to what's coming up next!